Revlon - Emerald City

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Long time no post, hi all!

This has beeen a very long week, but at last I made it and here I'm catchin' up with colours ;>

This was a nailpolish I wanted for a long time, then, thanks to Sabbatha, I got it quickly without any worries: at that time I couldn't find any Revlon shades but the boring reds, pinks and pearly nudes...

Though I don't wear mattes (I tried them, and didn't like the result, I think with mattes you must have PERFECT nails), I decided to try this and then to layer over it one coat of top coat: what a beauty!

First of all, if you din't own it, I have to underline the perfect formula, it's like zabaione! (a mixture of egg yolks and sugar)
It lays on the surface of nail evenly and without flooding towards cuticules, never experienced something like that!

Plus, colour is rich, and being a matte, dries faster than acetone on your skin :D
I applied it before going to bed, it was already past midnight, and I did it all in half an hour, two QUICKLY coats.

I LOVED the subtly grainy texture: with just one coat of topcoat, you'll obtain a leather-like surface, NOT a glass effect, look at the pictures :>

Now that these Revlon are available in Italy too, I suggest looking for them, and this one won't left you disappointed, it's a rich forest green very cozy and a great option for autumn colours, other than the reds, coppers and golds :>

Have a nice day/night/whatever and thanks for your attention ;¬)


Unknown said...

E' meraviglioso *ç* Purtroppo non l'ho mai visto in negozio...e comunque gli smalti della Revlon da noi sono decisamente troppo costosi...*sigh*

Anonymous said...

I have it and I like it :))
Looks nice.

Aly said...

Avevo sentito grandi cose di questo smalto (le solite chiacchiere tra bloggers) e ho tenuto d'occhio i vari espositori Revlon (tra l'altro sono rimasta piacevolmente stupita dagli smalti provati finora di questa marca) finché l'ho trovato (sconto 20%, meglio di niente). Ora che leggo la tua recensione sono ancora più contenta!!

marox79 said...

We only a small selection of Revlon here and it's all reds and subtly pinks and French whites.

sabbatha said...

ok, I'm oficially removing it from my sale page :P

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! It reminds me of Collistar Verde Lamé. I'll check the Revlon stand, I can't get enough of green polishes.

Smaltoitaliano said...

Elsa, chissà perché da noi dev'essere sempre tutto più costoso >.<

Julia Natalia, it has one of the most beautiful textures I've ever seen!

maisenzasmalto, non l'hai ancora provato? :>

marox, it's just few months that they're available here, maybe you just have to wait a little more :>
But if you want something in particular, let me know!

sabbatha, I'm one of your waste bin/recycle of nailpolishes? :D ;D

La Bisbetica, "Verde Lamé" is a shimmer, right? I saw it one time days ago :>

Aly said...

Come hai intuito ho un po' di untrieds accumulati, dovrei prendere un mese di ferie (da trascorrere in un posto soleggiato) per smaltirli tutti :-P

Smaltoitaliano said...

... Dopodiché, sì che ti prenderebbero per pazza :D

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